

Euro 5 ends on 31.12.2024

Euro 5 ends on 31.12.2024

In a few words: all new Harley vehicles that are not yet registered must be registered this year.

As most of you have probably already noticed, the new Euro 5+ emissions standard will be mandatory for all new motorcycles registered from January 1, 2025.

This means that every motorcycle up to and including model year 2024 must be registered for the first time this year.

This is easily recognizable from the vehicle registration document, because if it does not yet have an owner entry, the motorcycle has never been registered. In this case, the bike must still be registered in December, as this would otherwise no longer be possible from January.

So if you have bought a new motorcycle but have not yet registered it, it is imperative that you do so this year.

Please take note of the deadlines set by your local registration office, as some close before Christmas.

At our Santa Claus event, Tobi from Jekill & Hyde took the time to give us an insight into the topic of emissions standards.


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