
New Harley Boss

The battle is over!

King of the Kings 2020

A big Thanks to all who supported us!

We congratulate all the mechanics that once again showed an enormous fighting spirit and put a wide variety of awesome bikes on their wheels.

For us this Battle is yet another milestone in the history of Thunderbike, all efforts and elbow grease that went in the project were worth it.

We enjoy the super cool Sportster Chopper in which a lot of ideas and innovations of the whole team are reflected.

Brad Richards – Vice President of Styling & Design of Harley-Davidson – shares this opinion!

He awarded our ’95 Sporty with the H-D Styling Team’s Pick Award, which stands for an especially successful overall design!

Even though it was the last battle of Harley, the development of new custom bikes is still running strong.

A new project bike is already in the making because 35 years of Thunderbike should naturally  be crowned with an extraordinary bike.

At the moment we will only let one thing shine through, the announcement of Andreas “This will be a really cool bike!”



Nico Schnepel

Customparts, Dealer Support

0049 2852 - 6777-30
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Roman Reiners

Customparts, Dealer Support

0049 2852 - 6777-30
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Julian Segler

Sales, Financing, Rental, Custombikes

0049 2852 - 6777-41
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Thomas Emky

Custombikes Service Workshop

0049 2852 - 6777-56
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Other Conversions

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35th Anniversary Bike

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