Happy Birtday Harley!
Celebrating hard: The 120th birthday of the iconic brand is on!
What a great history! In 2023 Harley-Davidson is celebrating its 120th anniversary – and we are happy to be a part of the party! This feature will give you an not complete, yet never researched insight into the history of the company’s “round” anniversaries: every five years to the respective anniversary we take a look at the current events around Harley-Davidson.
This journey through time has been summarized for us by none other than Horst Rösler, who will supporting our marketing team this year! We are very happy about this cooperation, because Horst is not only an excellent photographer and book author, but also a walking encyclopedia when it comes to the history of the Harley and biker scene in context with world events of the particular period. Thanks to his support, in the future we will report here regularly about topics, events and that have inspired and advanced the scene.
June 2023 is an important date on the calendar for Harley-Davidson riders from all over Europe: from June 22 to 25, the brand’s 120th birthday will be celebrated in Budapest. After Rome in 2013 and Prague in 2018, another trip to Eastern Europe is routed on the maps, certainly somewhat thanks to the fact because there is – not yet – a “wall of regulations” that is slowly but surely strangling European and German events in particular.
Prague in 2018 already showed how a cool Harley Birthday Party can look like – and repeats this party every year on a smaller scale in September. Accordingly, the expectations for Budapest are running high – and the interest in visiting the Hungarian capital has increased significantly since the event date was announced! The “round” Harley birthdays are still in everyone’s memory at least since the 95th in 1998, so the time for a review of the history of Harley birthdays has come – and why these events became so popular.
One of the earliest references of a “round” Harley-Davidson anniversary can be found in the “Enthusiast” of August 1928: Under the headline “Harley-Davidson is 25 Years Old”, the models of the new model year are presented in “The Harley-Davidson Big Parade for ’29”. 25 years was a proud date after a period of pioneer era manufacturers closing down in that period. It was not until another 25 years later – with the 1954 model year, which started in August 1953 – that the motorcycles were given a special metal badge on the front fender, designed especially for the occasion.
The birthdays – now celebrated in 5-year intervals – are a result of Harley’s recent history: when it was discovered that a lot of money could not be made from the motorcycles alone. But there is more to it than that: The birthdays not only bring the brand back into the media and social media again and again, they bring the owners of the motorcycles together – on ever new trips, tours and adventures…
Harley-Davidson - The History
What always plays an important role in the history of Harley-Davidson: The "timing" of the individual dates! Every 5 years, Harley-Davidson birthdays are celebrated internationally - and in Milwaukee, established 1903 birthplace of the brand. Here's a look back at past events and the company's 120th anniversary celebrations in Budapest/Hungary.
Text: Horst Rösler
Photos: Motographer, Harley-Davidson Archive, Motographer Archive Scans